How Long Can Koi Fish Live Without Food?

Koi fish are a popular pet for many homeowners.

They are beautiful fish that can live in ponds or aquariums. Koi fish can be fun to watch and they add some beauty to any space.

If you’re a Koi fish owner, then you know that your koi fish need regular feeding to stay healthy.

But what happens if you go on vacation or simply can’t feed them for a day or two? How long can koi fish live without food?

How Long Can Koi Fish Live Without Food?

Koi can live for up to 2 weeks without any food. Any period longer than that will cause them to starve.

There are several factors that affect a Koi fish’s survival ability.

Read on to find out more about Koi fish and their eating patterns.

Factors Affecting Koi Fish Feeding Schedule

Below are some of the factors that impact the feeding schedule of Koi fish.

Water Temperature

One of the most important factors that will affect how often you need to feed your koi is the water temperature.

In cooler water temperatures, koi will have a slower metabolism and will not be able to eat as much as they would in warmer water.

As a general rule of thumb, koi should be fed once a day when the water temperature is below 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

When the water temperature is above 50 degrees Fahrenheit, you should feed them two to three times per day.

Water Quality

Another factor that can affect how often you need to feed your koi is the quality of the water in your aquarium/pond.

Koi fish are very sensitive to water quality and can become sick if the water is not clean.

It is important to test the water in your Aquarium regularly and take steps to improve the quality if it is not up to par. If the water is contaminated, you may have to restrict their feeding schedule.

Koi Size

The size of your koi will also affect how often they need to be fed.

Smaller Koi fish will have a faster metabolism and will need to be fed more often than the larger ones.

Experts recommend that Koi fish should be fed once a day when they are less than 10 inches long and two to three times per day when they are more than 10 inches long.

How to Check if Your Koi Fish Is Properly Fed

There are several ways to check if your Koi fish is getting its proper nutrients. Koi fish, themselves, will exhibit signs if something is amiss.


One of the first signs that your Koi fish are not being properly fed is if they become lethargic.

If your Koi fish are swimming slowly and not as active as they normally are, it could be a sign of low energy levels.

In that case, you will have to switch up their dietary pattern.

Behavioral Changes

Another sign that your Koi fish are not being properly fed is if you notice changes in their behavior.

If your Koi fish seem listless, uninterested in their surroundings or otherwise behaving erratically, it could be a sign that they are not getting the nutrition they need.

Weight Loss

If your koi are losing weight, it is a sign that they are not being properly fed. Koi should be able to maintain their weight with a proper diet.

If you notice that your koi are losing weight, you will need to increase the amount of food you are giving them.

Changes in Appetite

If your Koi fish seem to have a decrease in appetite, you may need to check up on that.

Koi fish are generally known to have a voracious appetite and will eat whenever they are offered food.

If your Koi fish are not eating as much as they normally do, it is possible that something is wrong.

Swimming Near the Top

Another sign that your Koi fish are not being properly fed is if they are found swimming near the top of the aquarium.

Since oxygen levels are higher near the surface, your Koi fish may be attempting to get as much oxygen as they can.

This can be caused by a number of factors, including a lack of food. If you notice your Koi fish swimming near the top, you will need to increase the amount of food you are giving them.

Koi fish typically swim in the middle or bottom of the aquarium. Be on alert for any Koi fish swimming near the top as it is one of the surefire ways to know that something is wrong.

If you notice any of the above-mentioned signs in your Koi fish, it is important to consult with a qualified veterinarian or Koi specialist to determine the cause.

In some cases, these signs could be caused by a medical condition and not by a lack of food.

Also read: Why is My Koi Fish Not Eating?

How to Feed Your Koi Fish When You Are Away

If you are going to be away from home for an extended period of time, there are a few things that you can do to make sure that your koi are properly fed.

Automatic Feeder

One option is to purchase an automatic feeder. Automatic feeders can be programmed to dispense a certain amount of food at regular intervals.

FISHNOSH Automatic Fish Feeder for Aquarium - New Generation 2022, Auto Food Dispenser with Timer for Small Tank, Big Aquariums & Pond - Battery-Operated Feeders for Goldfish, Koi, & More on Weekend

This can be a great way to make sure that your koi are getting the food they need even when you are not around.

Finding Someone to Feed Your Koi

If you are going to be away for an extended period of time, you may need to find someone to feed your koi for you. This can be a friend, neighbor, or family member.

Whoever you choose, it is important to make sure that they know how to properly feed your koi.

You should also leave them with a list of instructions on what to do if there are any problems.

This way, you can be sure that your koi will be properly cared for in your absence.

Can Overfeeding Your Koi Fish be a Problem?

While it is important to make sure that your koi are being properly fed, it is also possible to overfeed them.

Overfeeding can lead to a number of problems, including:

Obesity and Health Problems

Like people, koi fish can become obese if they’re overfed. obesity can lead to a number of health problems in koi fish, including:

  • Swim bladder problems
  • Organ damage
  • Reduced lifespan

Water Pollution and Algae Growth

Overfeeding your Koi fish can also cause water pollution and algae growth.

When Koi fish eat more than they need, the excess food breaks down in the water and releases nutrients that can cause water pollution.

These nutrients can also promote the growth of algae in ponds. It’s important to only feed your koi fish the amount of food they need and to remove any uneaten food from the pond.

To avoid overfeeding your koi, it is important to stick to the recommended feeding schedule and only offer them as much food as they will eat in one sitting.

If you are unsure about how much to feed your koi, a Koi fish specialist or a veterinarian will be able to guide you better.

Also read: Do Koi Fish Eat Algae? Do’s and Don’ts!

Koi Fish Needs Regular Feeding

If you have koi fish in a pond, it is important to continue feeding them throughout the year, even if they are not actively eating.

Doing so will ensure they have enough energy to survive the winter months and will be ready to start eating again when the water temperatures start to rise in the spring.

If you are concerned about your koi not eating, it is best to consult with a qualified veterinarian or koi specialist to ensure that they are healthy and receiving the proper care.

Koi Fish Diet

Because of their omnivorous nature, Koi fish can eat both plants and animals. Normally when Koi fish are in their natural habitat, they can eat small insects, crustaceans, and other aquatic creatures.

They will also consume algae and other plant material.

In an aquarium or a pond, you can give your Koi fish a diet of pellets, flakes, or live food.

Many koi owners supplement their fish’s diet with fresh fruits and vegetables such as peas, watermelons, and cucumbers.

It is important to offer a varied diet to your koi to ensure that they receive all of the nutrients they need to stay healthy.

Koi should be fed two or three times per day, depending on the temperature of the water and the amount of food that they are able to consume.

In cooler water temperatures, koi will have a slower metabolism and will not be able to eat as much as they would in warmer water.

Are There Any Human Foods Edible for Koi Fish?

While koi are not typically fed human food, there are some items that can be safely offered to them as a treat.

These include:

  • Cooked peas
  • Watermelons
  • Cucumbers
  • Squash
  • Zucchini
  • Spinach
  • Lettuce

It is important to only offer koi these foods occasionally as they are not a replacement for their regular diet.

In addition, all fruits and vegetables should be washed thoroughly before being fed to koi to remove any pesticides or other chemicals that could be harmful to them.


Koi fish are a somewhat tough species, but they can only go without food for a max of 2 weeks or less.

If you are planning to be away from home for an extended period of time, it is important to make arrangements to make sure your Koi fish are properly fed.

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