Can You Treat Fin Rot with Salt?

Fin rot is a common problem among freshwater and saltwater aquarium fish. The condition is not a disease but instead, a symptom of a disease.

Fish suffering from fin rot have frayed and ragged fins and tails.

If left untreated the condition can spread to other parts of the body and kill the fish.

Can You Treat Fin Rot with Salt

The above image shows a Betta fish with fin rot because of a bacterial infection

You can treat fin rot with salt due to its antiseptic properties.

In this guide, you will learn how to treat fin rot using salt. Moreover, you will learn about some other methods that are effective in the treatment of the problem.

Note: Always wash hands properly after touching infected fish. There are no reports of infection due to fish to human contact. But you should not take any chances. Clean the hands with a disinfectant soap after handling sick fish.

How to Treat Fin Rot Using Salt?

Salt is an effective treatment option for fin rot. The antiseptic properties of salt help in treating the bacterial or fungal infection that causes the problem.

To treat a fish suffering from the disease, you need to quarantine or isolate it in a tub or aquarium filled with de-chlorinated tap water.

Check what’s the best suitable temperature for your fish that you’re going to quarantine.

During winters, you may need to use a water heater attached to the tub or tank to bring the water up to the desired temperature.

For treating moderate fin rot, mix two and a half teaspoons of aquarium salt in a glass. You can also use kosher or rock salt.

If the condition is mild, you should mix only one teaspoon of salt with water.

After the salt has dissolved, you should add the water to the quarantine container in small quantities over a period of about an hour.

Keep the fish in the saltwater for about 24 hours. After 24 hours, change the water and repeat the procedure.

You should replace 100 percent of the water before adding salt again.

The condition of the fish will improve if you continue the salt-water bath for about a week.

Other Treatment Options for Fin Rot

Apart from saltwater, you can use medications and chemicals to treat the fin rot problem.

Here is an overview of different methods that can help in the treatment of the infection.


Medications should be used if the fish does not get better with a daily salt-water bath for about a week.

You should contact the vet to know about the best medications for fin rot and effective dosage.

Fin rot is generally caused by bacteria such as Aeromonas and Pseudomonas. So, antibiotics may be effective in treating the problem.

Effective medications that you can give after consulting with your vet include melafix, erythromycin, maracyn I and II, tetracycline, and chloramphenicol.

And please don’t play doctor. Consult a vet and then and only then give your fish any medication.


You can add methylene to water in addition to giving medications to cure the fish suffering from fin rot. Add a drop of the chemical in two gallons of water.

You should change the water every alternate day.

Continue the treatment for about a week to see if it helps in treating the condition.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is also effective in the treatment of fin rot. Dip a Q-tip in a solution containing the chemical.

Gently dab the affected area of the fish. Apply an antibacterial cream after patting the fins dry.

Make sure that you contact the vet before using any chemical to treat the fish.

Your vet will inform you if the treatment option will be safe for your fish or not.

Here are some common questions people have when it comes to fin rot in fishes:

What are the Symptoms of Fin Rot?

Fin rot is visible on the edges of the fin and sometimes tails. The edges of the fins will appear to be milky and discolored.

Most often the change is not so visible. You will only begin to notice the symptom of the disease once the tails or fins begin to fray.

Once the infection spreads, the fins will become shorter as dead flesh will slough off the fish.

Moreover, the affected area will appear to be inflamed with red and bloody patches appearing over time.

The red patches will grow as tissue damage occurs.

Sometimes a secondary fungal infection will develop along the fin edges. A Columnaris bacterial disease may also be present along with fin rot.

What Causes Fin Rot?

Fin rot infection typically begins after an injury to the tailor the fins of the fish.

The injury can be due to fighting another fish in the aquarium. Fins of the fish can be torn due to the fighting.

The bacteria or parasite that causes fin rot are present in the tank. They won’t normally attach to the fish.

But they are opportunistic and injure a weak or injured fish.

While all fish are susceptible to fin rot, goldfish and betas are particularly vulnerable to the condition. Mostly dirty water causes the problem.

Poor quality of water makes the fish stressed. This weakens the immune system of the fish making them susceptible to diseases.

How to Prevent Fin Rot?

Fin rot is difficult to treat in advanced stages. Prevention of the disease is the best treatment.

You should understand what causes the fin rot problem.

Generally, the condition is caused by an underlying disease. Sometimes a combination of factors causes the problem.

What Are Some Common Reasons for Fin Rot?

Poor Water Quality

Poor water quality is the most common reason for the infection that causes fin rot. Fish immune systems weaken in dirty water.

It allows bacteria to flourish inside the body. You need to keep the aquarium clean using a high-quality filter.

Moreover, you should also change the water regularly and clean the substrate using an aquarium vacuum cleaner.

Remove dirt and food debris from the bottom of the aquarium. In addition, you can clean the rock and the decorations (don’t rinse and make them squeaky clean as they also have beneficial bacteria).

Furthermore, you should replace between 20 to 30 percent water once a week to reduce water contamination due to feces and food.

Test the water quality after changing the water. The ammonia, nitrite, and pH value inside the tank should be suitable for the fish.

Crowded Fish Tank

A crowded fish tank is another common reason for fin rot.

Keeping lots of fish inside the aquarium increase the chances of fighting and nipping between the fish.

This increases the chances of bacterial infection.

You should not put too many fish inside the tank. Consider giving them space to swim without close encounters.

Low Temperature

Low temperatures inside the aquarium is another common cause of fin rot. Make sure that the temperature is kept at the ideal level for the fish.

If the temperature is too low, it will increase the chances of parasitic or bacterial infection.

Fish will start to stress if the water temperature is not kept at the ideal location. This will make the fish susceptible to disease.

You should use an aquarium heater and thermometer to ensure that the temperature is kept at the ideal level.

Adverse Water Parameters

Fish get sick if the water parameters are not kept at the ideal level for the fish.

You need to make sure that the pH level and the water hardness levels are appropriate.

High alkaline water above 8 pH increases the likelihood of damage to the fin tissue.

How to Know if Fish Is Cured?

Saltwater baths and medication will take several days to become effective.

Moreover, there are also some clear signs of recovery. If the fin rot does not worsen after the treatment, it means that the fish has recovered.

A cured fish’s energy level and appetite will return to normal. The fish will actively swim around the tank. It will also eat whatever you feed them.

Once the condition is cured, the fin re-growth will start that may be of a different color.

You can do many things to prevent the condition from coming back. Put a reminder on your phone about cleaning the tank.

Moreover, you should add live plants that would absorb some of the waste of the fish.

Avoid overfeeding the fish as well as it will weaken the immune system of the fish.

As mentioned previously, your main goal should be to avoid stressing your fish in the aquarium.

Remove aggressive fish from the tank and keep the water temperatures at the ideal level.

Moreover, you should keep a close watch on the fish for any symptoms.

Quarantine a fish immediately and start treatment if you notice visible symptoms or a change in the behavior of the fish.


Fin rot is not a contagious condition. It will not spread from one fish to another. But still, you should not keep the sick fish with healthy ones.

Salt baths for about a week will help cure the problem. You can also try chemicals like hydrogen peroxide and medications if salt baths are not effective.

Prevention is better than cure. You should avoid overcrowding the tank and keep the water clean at all times.

Dirty water is the most common reason for fish illnesses including fin rot.

If you keep the tank clean, your fish will remain healthy inside the tank.

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